The Coca Cola Company's Global Director of Cybersecurity Risk Kristin Cornish Joins NTSC Board of Directors

Kristin Cornish, Global Director of Cybersecurity Risk at The Coca-Cola Company, has been appointed to serve on the National Technology Security Coalition (NTSC) Board of Directors.

Cornish will help influence the strategic direction of the NTSC and join chief information security officers who represent a broad cross-section of companies. These CISOs have a vested interest in protecting the security of their customers and employees through policies that improve national cybersecurity standards and awareness.

“Cybersecurity risks and their potential impacts on any organization must be viewed holistically,” Cornish said. “Cyber threats are not a consideration exclusive to a company’s information technology or cyber functions but a broad business problem that every individual in an organization plays a role in managing.”

As global director of cybersecurity risk, Cornish is responsible for broad cyber risk management and monitoring across The Coca-Cola Company, including regulatory cyber compliance with PCI DSS, privacy regulations (GDPR, CCPA) and Sarbanes-Oxley. Cornish has worked at Coca-Cola for nearly eight years and has held positions of increasing responsibility in both the cybersecurity and internal audit functions.

About the National Technology Security Coalition (NTSC)

The National Technology Security Coalition (NTSC) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that serves as the preeminent advocacy voice for Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) across the nation. Through dialogue, education, and government relations, we unite both public and private sector stakeholders around policies that improve national cybersecurity standards and awareness.

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